The Malakoff Public Library, aka The Red Waller Community Library, grew out of an idea during discussions at a meeting of the Malakoff Rotary Club in 1972. The first Library Board was appointed and made up of: J. D. Waller, Chairman; Mrs. Wynelle Garrison, Mrs. Alma Jessie McLain, Jim Harris, A. M. Thompson and Jerry Hinkle.
A small building was rented from Richard Tanner in July 1972 and a drive for donations of books was initiated. Within a year, so many books had been donated that a larger facility was needed. The old pool hall building was rented from H. B. Miller of Dallas.
In January 1974, the City of Malakoff furnished $4,000 and local citizens' donated another $3000 so the building could be purchased.
The library was taken over by the City of Malakoff in 1973 so that membership in the Texas State Library System could be completed. Membership in the Texas Library system qualified the library for a grant of 800 books in 1975. Those books with liberal donations from all the country and especially the fine people that moved into Star Harbor and other additions around the lake gave the library over 13,000 volumes as of September 15, 1975.
Supervision of the facility was provided by Mrs. Bill McMullen of the local high school, Miss Ollie Bateman of Star Harbor and volunteer helpers. The library grew much faster than expected, which created some problems in financing and cataloging, but the nucleus was achieved to create a fine library.
The first board appointed by the City Council was composed of: J. D. Waller (after whom the library was later named), Jim Harris, Alma Jessie McLain, Ernest Wilson and Jerry Hinkle.
(Note: The above history was extracted from the book titled: MALAKOFF, TX)
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